#UpYourGame 2017 – Day 17

You got your good news, you got your bad news.  And, by “you,” I’m really talking about me, because none of this affects you at all!

The good news is, this morning marked workout 10 of the 18 workouts in the 4 week Fitness Is Function Bodyweight program that I’m doing.  The bad news is, the workouts are still boring as fuck, because it’s the same goddamned moves every day, and worse still, now they’re longer.  The average time went up from 35 minutes to 45, and there’s one on the horizon that’s over 50 minutes.  Plus, weeks 3 and 4 have 5 workouts per week, instead of the 4 workouts in weeks 1 and 2.  Ugh.

Worser.  I’m going out of town on Saturday, for work, and I won’t be back until late next Wednesday.  So, I have to shuffle around the workouts I’m going to miss, while I’m away, which cuts out my scheduled rest day this Friday.  I’m making up one of the workouts I’ll miss before I leave, and the other one I’m making up after I get back.  Double ugh.

Based on how the workouts were programmed last week, I was expecting yesterday to be another push-up-filled nightmare.  But, it was legs and core, with some conditioning.  So, the dread shifted to today.  But, today was kind of legs and core again, with some conditioning, again.  The fuck?  I guess that means tomorrow is going to suck super bad?  Who knows?

I get irritated just thinking about the fact that I have to do workouts I hate for the next 3 days in a row.  But, I am more responsible for my own misery than anyone else is, because I refuse to quit this program.  Especially this close to the end.  After this nightmare 5 day run from Tuesday to Saturday morning, I’ll only have 5 workouts left, and then I’ll never have to do these workouts again!

After that, I’ll probably move on to Zuzka Light’s old ass DVD series, ZCUT Cardio.  I don’t think you can even buy it any more, but I got it, when it first came out.  I’ve done most or all of the 12 workouts sporadically, but I’ve never actually followed the 3 month program that came with it.  My plan is to do the first month, and assuming I’m feeling good about it, carry on from there.

I’m just on a bodyweight-only kick right now, and want to do a prolonged experiment to see what, exactly, happens to my body if I don’t lift any weights for 3 (or so) months’ time.  I may get bored.  I may see the writing on the wall very early on, and decide I need weights again.  But, I like the idea of the experiment.  

More than anything, I like the idea of doing ANYTHING ELSE after the program I’m on, right now.  Also, I got a new video up earlier this week, which always makes me feel super productive and great.  Here it go.

2 thoughts on “#UpYourGame 2017 – Day 17

  1. Worser-HAHA 😛 Hang in there! I have to say I admire your determination-I am very much someone who cannot continue to do something if it doesn’t feel good on some level. It’s why I do workouts that involve other things, like pole fitness, hot yoga, and fitness programs with a goal (like achieving handstands). Those activities distract me enough to make it so that it’s less about enduring discomfort and more about shifting my focus. Otherwise I find myself thinking “this shit hurts. why am I doing this again?? You know what sounds good and not painful? Eating a doughnut. I want a fucking doughnut.” Are you seeing or feeling any results yet? I’m definitely noticing strength gains. I did a press up handstand (assisted) the other day after a core-focused yoga class like it was nothing (…couldn’t do it twice in a row though haha).

    In other news…I just filed my taxes, was so psyched because my return would cover the entire Costa Rica trip without me having to go into savings, and I logged onto the site just to find that it’s sold out for March. WAAA so sad. They also raised the price to include airfare so I’m not sure if it’s in the cards this year, homie. I know you said that you were thinking of going there at some point in 2017. Let me know if ya do and want a (or more) tag along!

    I may just use the funds for continental travel and some goodies for moi. I want a new pole to step up my home workouts, to see friends around the country, to visit NYC for the best pastries I’ve tasted ever (see…doughnuts), and possibly stop by Bang Bang Tattoo for new ink. I’ll let ya know if I’m in your neck of the woods ^_^

    • No determination to admire, here! I just got home from Utah, and I did NOT get my extra workouts in before I left, so I’m officially behind on the program. 5 days of walking 2-4 miles in the snow helped me to feel like I wasn’t a total failure, while I was away. But, now that I’m back, I’m 98% sure I will NOT pick up where I left off, and will instead just start a new program that I don’t hate!

      Bummer, re: the Costa Rica trip! I’m still sorting out where, exactly, I’m going to get that Passport stamp– as well as when in the year. Perhaps I’ll know more after I do my taxes, too! xx

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