The 411 on My Charlotte Tilbury “Pillow Talk” Eyeshadow Quad GRWM

screen shot 2019-01-19 at 2.18.23 pmBelow is all of the stuff I used in my Charlotte Tilbury “Pillow Talk” eyeshadow quad GRWM video, which I shared on my IG.  I wanted this eye palette the moment I saw it announced, but at the time, it was exclusive to Charlotte Tilbury’s website.

I wasn’t born yesterday, and I had a feeling that, even though it was limited edition, it would eventually make it to Nordstrom, which meant I would be able to earn points with my Nordstrom card.  Hey, points matter, because points add up to dollars off/savings on future purchases, y’all.

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My Stupid Basic Macros Log

In my review of my custom meal plan from Gauge Girl, I mentioned that the plan sucked and was a waste of my money, so I went ahead and created a bare bones log to track my macros my damn self, in Google Sheets.

I should have known that a bunch of people were going to ask me for it, which I was loathe to do because 1.) like I said, it’s really simple, and it is easy enough to just make one yourself, and 2.) inevitably, people are going to complain about it, even though they didn’t even pay for it, and it wasn’t made nor intended for them in the first place.  (I’ve been in the YouTube game long enough to know how some people are.) Continue reading

Coconut Flour Paleo Pancakes (w. Banana, If You Know What’s Up)


I fell in love with a certain paleo hack quite a while back (seriously, a while ago — back when I still used Tumblr for this blog).  And, that hack was the paleo pancake.

The most common way to achieve pancake [sic], whilst sticking to your paleo guns, is to use coconut flour.  As a basic bitch, I do what is common.

There are loads of recipes out there for coconut flour pancakes.  But this one is mine, which I adapted from other people’s.  The tweaks I’ve made over time have yielded the best results for me.  Here it go.

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Long time, no post!  I haven’t had a load of time for my hobby projects, so I’ve been slacking on the ‘Tube, and here.  A bit better about getting back on track on YT, because that has a lot more eyeballs on it.  Just sayin’.

But, today marks the close of week 1 of my latest health and fitness challenge, the #SeptemberSHRED.  Here are the details on that, by the way:

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#UpYourGame 2017 – It’s Over!

This year’s #UpYourGame Challenge was quite the roller coaster, but I do feel that I came out of it better than I went into it.  I remain a work in progress (FUCKING PERPETUALLY), and indeed, when it comes to challenges, I am on to the next one almost immediately.  I want to keep the ball rolling, now that I’m in the right place mentally with my workouts and eating, so that’s just what I’m going to do.

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#UpYourGame 2017 – Like, 10 More Days Left?  YOU Do the Math.

Okay!  It may have taken me almost the entire length of this challenge to actually get into the groove of things, but things have been great the past two weeks, or so.  I’ve been working out with kettlebells, using that Lauren Brooks program I told y’all ‘bout, and I’ve been going to spin classes about twice a week.

I’ve also been eating pretty well!

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